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Oxford Virtual Academy's community partnerships allow our students to take a wide variety of online elective courses with optional hands-on practice at various locations.


Please go to our admissions tab if you would like to enroll in any of our virtual elective courses.  For a description of the virtual courses, please view the OVA Course Catalog.

If you are interested in attending the weekly optional learning experiences for these elective courses, please contact our partners using the links below for days and times.  For more information,
 Click This Link to view a list of all community partnership meeting days and times by grade level.

If you have questions, please contact OVA using the links at the bottom of this web page. 
Oxford Virtual Academy has partnered with the following groups to provide optional learning experiences to accompany our online courses.  Like the business partnerships community vendors above, these courses are virtual classes with an online component and an optional, in-person lab component.   Please note that some groups have additional fees not covered by OVA.  Please inquire with the group for specifics.

Tel: (248) 969-5194
Fax: (248) 886-9116

775 West Drahner Road

Oxford, MI  48371

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